* The Struggle Bus

In exercise class one day, I shared that I was on the struggle bus and having a hard time. A fellow class participant piped up and said, “Well just be glad you’re on it and not under it.” I found humor in her logic and was grateful that at least I was indeed on the bus. Lately, I’ve felt like that struggle bus has completely run over me and left me on the side of the road. It’s been hard picking myself up and climbing back onto the bus. But I’m trying!

Here’s the thing about the struggle bus; other people are on there with you. Their struggle may not be the same as yours but nonetheless they are dealing with something that causes them anxiety, grief, or pain. It’s important to acknowledge that you’re on the struggle bus and dealing with something hard but it’s equally important to acknowledge the people riding along with you. By reaching out to them, it makes the journey seem a little less scary and stressful.

As I’ve quoted before from Robin Roberts, she says “everybody’s got something.” My something may seem harder than yours right now but it doesn’t matter. What does matter is that we reach out to each other, be kind to one another and give each other a hand to help them stay on the bus until they reach their destination. No one can predict when we’ll get off this struggle bus and back into a quieter journey. But I bet you’ll be stronger if you just hang on for the ride and learn from the experience.

Blessings, Cindy J

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